Sunday 17 January 2016

January 18th - January 22nd

Students in Grades 5 through 9 will be starting a new round of modules this week.  They are as follows:

Health A - Drama Room
Hand Ball - Main Gym
Table Tennis (Ping Pong) - CORE

A reminder that ALL STUDENTS IN GRADES 5 - 9 MUST HAND IN a Human Sexuality Form by January 19th, stating whether or not they are participating in the unit.  Students who opt out of the unit will complete an alternate assignment instead.  If parents have questions, they can reach Mrs. Park or Mrs. Simpson by email, or come in January 19th from 3:30 - 5:00 to view the content and lessons their child will be doing in class.

Have a great week!

Melanie Simpson (Grade 9 Health Teacher)
Sherry Park (Grade 5- 8 Health Teacher)

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